Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Compression Garments can Reduce the Vibration of Your Muscles But Not Fatigue

When our muscles move, they will start to shrink due to vibration, and this will consume our energy, so that we feel tired during the sports. Therefore, it is generally believed that reducing muscle vibration can make us more relaxed. This is why we can normally find that long-distance runners are wearing compression garments. However, the research from Ohio State University shows that the compression wears is no use to reduce fatigue level, but has great benefits to improve the spirit of pleasure during the sports.

Under the guidance of Dr. Ajit Chaudhari, the researchers chose two different tests. For the first time, the test objects wearing compression garments, while the second time they did not. The testing objects in the two tests all use the speed with 80% of their own limit running speed to run on the treadmill for 30 minutes.

During the running process, the motion capture system tracks their position on the treadmill and is accurate to one millimeter. The force sensor on the treadmill will also monitor their pace of change. They wear a heart rate monitor that can measure their exercise intensity. In addition, the researchers tested objects’ spring force and leg strength before and after the experiment.

Through experiments, Dr. Ajit Chaudhari said that although the compression garments do reduce the vibration of the leg muscles, but it does not reduce the fatigue of runners. He believes that compression wear can give the runners spiritual comfort. Based on this advantage, it is still a great idea for us to wear compression garments during running or sports.

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