Monday, 27 February 2017

Ivanka Becomes Popular in Chinese Trademark Registration

Just one week after Trump was elected president, a sanitary napkins company registered Ivanka Trump as its trademark in China. In Chinese market, Trump is also a trademark which is registered by a toilet manufacturing company.

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Europe Starts Composite Carbon Fiber Project with Renewable Biomaterials

With the low weight and high tensile strength properties, carbon fiber is widely used in many industry or commercial fields. With the growing range of applications, carbon fiber industry faces many problems because of the depletion of fossil raw materials and its energy-intensive production processes.

Monday, 20 February 2017

Switzerland Revised the Toy Ordinance by Adopting EN 71 Safety of Toys

In December 1st, 2016, Switzerland revised their Toys Ordinance (Regulation of the Federal Department of Home Affairs on the Safety of Toys) to strengthen the requirements for toys. The revised ordinance takes parts of EN 71. Switzerland follows EU legislation. But Switzerland is not a member of the EU, so there are still differences for regulations between them when Switzerland follows EU legislation.

New Durable Water Repelling Textile Coatings by Hybrids Technologies (Low long-chain C8 fluorocarbons and Environment Friendly)

A new intelligent hybrids which is compoesed of PFC-free chemicals conforming with the Greenpeace campaign Detox and the ZDHC programme is ...